Thursday, 19 February 2009

The Ring

This title sequence was produced for 'the ring'. However the title sequence wasn't produced by the creators of 'the ring'. My group and I found this video on youtube and liked some of the features from it. For example, the video shows some flicky shots (one scene to another). We liked this idea, so therefore also used it in our title sequence. We didn't exactly know what we was doing but we got there in the end, after askin Gerry for alot of help. We have a few flicky scenes as when we tried it with the whole title sequence being flicky it looked abit too much for our story line.
We also used many other techniques such as a fuzzy television look, the fonts changing size every milisecond, this look was very effective to the title sequence as it made it look more like a thriller opening title, these ideas came from the above video. There are also alot more idea which we got from video shown above.
However, there was an idea which we got from the video above. This was the idea of using blood spreading in water. We experimented quite alot with this idea but we didnt find it very satisfying as it didnt look as freaky as it does in the video. In the video above the blood shot stood out the most, as it is the only shot which shows colour (Red blood). This gave us an idea of making the title sequence black and white. After finding out that the blood spreading in water sccene didn't work out for us, we deciding to keep it all in colour. However, we still tried out the black and white look but we didn't find it very satisfying. When we turned the title sequence back into colour, we found that it was more effective as it was the colour that made the title sequence look more 'thriller like'.

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